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which KHS ships goods to customers around the world, is also close at hand. As Dr. Joachim Konrad, Head of Heavy Engineering, Labeling Tech- nology and Transport, emphasizes: “Our systems contain numerous spe- cialist parts that cannot be manufactured externally.” The company’s oth- er locations in Germany are specialized, with KHS concentrating its PET technology expertise in Hamburg. Bad Kreuznach is home to the compa- ny’s filling and beverage process technology specialists, while its sites in Kleve and Worms focus on the end of the process chain as the focal point of KHS packaging and palletizing technology.
On average, KHS manufactures more than 300 product lines per year, which account for around 44% of the company’s turnover (2021). It also of- fers important services, such as consultancy and concept development. “They account for a good third of our turnover,” says Florian Lerche, Head of Corporate Communications at KHS. These services have contributed to the company’s development to become a leading provider of high perfor- mance filling and packaging solutions in the beverage industry. Today, with a market share of 13%, KHS is the world’s second-largest filling and packaging systems manufacturer.
Florian Lerche (left) and Dr. Joachim Konrad spoke with STIL about the KHS base and pro- duction facility in Dortmund
1868Carl Kappert and Louis Holstein found a company
in Dortmund for the sale of technical equipment to breweries and malthouses
1905Holstein & Kappert (H&K) founds a subsidiary, the
“Erste westfälische Kellereimaschinen- fabrik Phönix GmbH” – and starts to produce its own machines. The two firms merge in 1907.
1945The factory is 90% de- stroyed; H&K begins to
produce machinery for the dairy indus- try.
1968As it turns 100, H&K has
12 factories and branches in Germany, 14 subsidiaries and partners in
1993Following a final ruling by the Federal Court of Justice
(BGH), H&K and SEN merge to become Klöckner Holstein Seitz (KHS) AG.
2007Salzgitter AG acquires a majority stake in Klöck-
ner-Werke. In 2010, KHS changes legal form from a public limited company (AG) to a limited liability company (GmbH).
25% of H&K shares before becoming a majority shareholder in
KHS becomes a wholly
remain to this day.
The Federal Cartel Office
H&K opens a new factory
owned subsidiary of Salzgit- ter Klöckner-Werke GmbH and, in doing
on Dortmund’s Juchostrasse – where its headquarters
so, a subsidiary of Salzgitter AG. KHS celebrates its 150th
A brief history
Europe, and 9 overseas. Klöckner-Werke acquires
(BKartA) approves the merger of H&K and Seitz Enzinger Noll
Maschinenbau AG (SEN) – but objections delay its implementation.
birthday, making it one of the oldest companies in Dortmund, the
city of its foundation.
KHS Group in figures (2021):
Employees: approx. 5,000 Turnover: €1.25 bn
Product portfolio: Keg technology (disposable and reusable kegs); cleaning, filling, labeling and inspection technology; packaging systems; palletization; thermal container handling; PET processing (plastic bottles), transport and process technology
Photos: Carsten Brand