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The Salzgitter Group has a stronger presence in the Rhine-Ruhr region than anywhere else outside southeastern Lower Saxony. The region includes Dortmund, where KHS has been based for 155 years and ranks among the oldest companies in the city. Mülheim is the second main focus of the Salzgitter Group. The city is home to 170,000 resi- dents as well as several Group compa- nies: Mannesmann Salzgitter Precision Tubes, Salzgitter Mannesmann Stain- less Tubes and Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH, plus MÜLHEIM PIPE- COATINGS and EUROPIPE GmbH, a 50:50 joint venture with AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke. In August 2022, the Trad- ing business unit and its roughly 250
employees moved into the new Trade Center, now comprising the manage- ment company Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH and the two Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel Group companies – Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlhandel GmbH and Salzgitter Mannesmann In- ternational GmbH. In addition, econom- ic historian Dr. Kornelia Rennert manag- es and maintains the Group archives in Mülheim.
From there, it is a 30 minute drive to Duisburg, where Salzgitter Mannes- mann Forschung GmbH has its second base, in addition to its Salzgitter site. Neuss is a further 30 minute drive away and is home to another Group subsidi-
ary, Universal Eisen und Stahl GmbH – a company specializing in the trade and processing of heavy plates.
Further Group locations are also situat- ed on the outskirts of the Rhine-Ruhr region: the Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlservice GmbH factory is based in Schwerte, while Hamm, Bielefeld, Wick- ede and Burbach are each home to Man- nesmann Precision Tubes factories. Mannesmann Line Pipe also has a site in Hamm as well as a factory in Siegen. The Trading business unit has several stock- holding locations in North Rhine-West- phalia, such as in Gladbeck, while Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes has a production facility in Remscheid.
Dortmund, Mülheim, Duisburg and more: the Group’s locations in the Rhine-Ruhr region
A view of large pipe manufacturing at EUROPIPE in Mülheim an der Ruhr. The city is home to 170,000 people along with several Group companies and the Group archives
Photo: Carsten Brand