SITP Nov 2014Wiesbaden, November 2014: Nine young professionals from the whole Salzgitter Group met again for the second time (read here more about the first time) in order to continue the Salzgitter International Training Program 2014. The SITP consists of 3 different modules of 4 or 5 days each. The common target of the SITP group is to work on its soft skills (e.g. teambuilding), to get to know new working techniques (e.g. setting priorities and planning effectively) and, last but not least, to increase intercultural awareness and self reflection. Here is what they learned in module 2.

Dear All,

Four months after coming together for the first time in Hanover, the 2014/2015 SITP team reunited in November for Module II. We kicked off on day 1 with a focus on business presentations. These are something that almost every person in the business world will have to face at some point, and we were presented a number of different scenarios to work on our presentation skills and overcome any nervous feelings. There was a special focus on presentation etiquette and strategies for different cultures, as well as stressing the important non-verbal parts of presenting and how to present effectively as a group.

The presentation exercises also gave everybody a chance to work on other key aspects from the first module, such as time management, organizational skills, and giving and receiving constructive feedback. While the audience and their needs were recognized as the key focal point of any business presentation, the team was reminded that it is also important to remember to be yourself. (click here for more)

Frank Gießelmann

Drei Dinge, die mir zur Salzgitter AG einfallen: 1. Glückauf! 2. Windräder 3. Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht (...Stahl niemals)

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