"As a global steel and technology group, our top priorities are the careful use of environmental resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. With our technologies we are making a significant contribution - now and for generations to come."

Gunnar Groebler, Chief Executive Officer

Steel for a climate-neutral future

Protection of the environment and the climate, conservation of natural resources and prudent use of energy constitute key issues for Salzgitter AG. For us, protecting the climate and the environment goes beyond the observance of statutory regulations, as it plays a decisive role in shaping our corporate behavior – now and in the future. For that reason, we are playing a pioneering role in the decarbonization of the steel industry with our SALCOS® project that is without compare throughout Europe.

We aim to save

of Germany’s annual
CO2 emissions from 2033 onwards

Climate protection

Conventional steel production emits large volumes of greenhouse gases. We are therefore fully committed to converting to a nearly carbon-free steel production process  on a scale hitherto not seen in the world.  

-50 % emissions by 2030

In 2030, with the first step of our SALCOS® program, we want to have laid the foundation that will technically enable us to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2e emissions by 50 %. Our future Science Based Targets will provide operational proof that we are on a 1.5°C climate pathway and therefore in alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement.

Click here for more information on climate protection at Salzgitter AG

Energy efficiency

Prudent, efficient use of energy is a key lever for achieving sustainable business at Salzgitter AG. To do so, we continually tap into our energy-saving potential, thus benefiting from our companies’ innovative technological strengths.  

One hundred percent renewable

We’re serious when it comes to green energy sources. By 2025, 50 % of our Group’s electricity requirements are to be met from non-fossil sources, and by 2030 this proportion is to reach 100 %. The proportion of regenerative energy in the external electricity procured was expanded to over 20 % in the reporting year.


tons of CO2 were saved
between 2016 and 2019
thanks to new energy
efficiency measures

Salzgitter AG is aiming to
recycle over

tons of scrap a year
in its steel production by 2025

Circular economy and resource efficiency

Steel is durable and there are almost no limits to the number of times it can be reused. Closed loops therefore form a key element of our Group strategy. We are creating the conditions for tomorrow’s circular economy by optimizing production processes but also by means of new strategic partnerships.

Expanding scrap recycling

One of Salzgitter AG’s major strategic goals is to expand our market share of recycled scrap metal. Every ton of scrap used reduces the quantity of iron ore and other primary raw materials required in steel production.

SALCOS® - We turn steel green

With SALCOS®, we have joined forces with partners from industry and research to lay the foundations for virtually CO2-free steel production. Central elements of the concept are electricity from renewable sources and its use in the production of hydrogen by means of electrolysis. This green hydrogen will replace the coal we currently use in the conventional blast furnace process. This will be possible with the help of so-called direct reduction plants, in which iron ore is reduced to iron directly in the solid state by hydrogen. This technology emits water vapor instead of CO2.

Our SALCOS® program thus pursues the Carbon Direct Avoidance approach, which stands for avoiding the generation of CO2 in steel production from the outset. Overall, our approach enables us to reduce CO2 emissions in steel production by over 95 %.

To program SALCOS®

Contact us

Simon Kroop

Senior ESG Manager

Eren Yapmis

ESG Manager

Picture with Link to PDF Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023
(including Non-Financial Report)