The future in view.
Be part of something GREAT!
Because GREAT are your opportunities within the Salzgitter Group. We offer you a wide range of applications and career opportunities, from steel production to the development of the latest technologies, from training to senior management positions. We want you to bring your experience to us, play an active role in shaping it and develop products together with us from which the whole world will benefit. Join us and become part of something great.
A GREAT community
We - that's around 25,000 colleagues in over 150 subsidiaries worldwide. Some are with us since their apprenticeship, others come as board members. What has brought the colleagues to us, what have they already experienced with us and where do we want to go together in the next few years? You can find the answers to these questions here.
What does the Salzgitter Group offer?
Benefits & a productive work environment
Our employees made us one of the leading steel technology companies in Europe. And so that they can fully concentrate on their tasks while working, we offer the right environment with our benefits.
Convince yourself.
Which application documents are required?
Is it possible to send an unsolicited application?
Are there specific application deadlines?
All positions that you can find online on our website are currently still vacant. We keep the positions online until we have concluded our contract negotiations with an applicant. So there are no application deadlines.
The situation is different for training positions. Here there are application deadlines, which are listed in the details of the respective training offer. These deadlines are often at the end of May or the end of June for the apprenticeship that starts in the fall.
How is my personal application data protected?
It is very important for us to handle the personal data of applicants*, employees and all other third parties associated with us in a trustworthy manner.
Please use the following link to find out how we handle applications that we receive online, by e-mail or by post.
Information on data protection for applicants
You can find answers to many
more questions here:
Gekommen, um zu bleiben.
Melis Ayhan | 07. January 2025
Auf und ab? Nein, für Zanaa El-Jourani und Natalie Orlowski geht es bei der Salzgitter AG nur in eine Richtung: hinauf! In diesem Blogbeitrag erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie ...
Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch
Markus Rottwinkel | 23. December 2024
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser unseres Karriereblogs, wir wünschen Ihnen allen frohe Weihnachten und ein erfolgreiches, gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr! Vielen Dank, dass ...
Beim Kickern Ausbildungsberufe kennengelernt
Melis Ayhan | 20. December 2024
Wie kann man auf eine spielerische Art und Weise etwas über unsere Ausbildungsberufe erfahren? Indem man z.B. mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Peiner Träger GmbH Kicker spielt ...
Vorstand meets Azubi! #2024
Melis Ayhan | 11. December 2024
„Vorstand meets Azubi“ ist ein fester Termin im Unternehmenskalender der Salzgitter AG. Auszubildende aus allen Geschäftsbereichen des Konzerns nehmen daran teil. Eine ...