Responsible corporate governance
We perceive good corporate governance and the compliance structures built upon it to be a key component of the Salzgitter Group’s corporate culture. The foundation is provided by our corporate principles and management systems.
We are convinced that responsible, transparent corporate governance helps to meet the steadily growing need for information on the part of our stakeholders.
Darüber hinaus haben wir verschiedene Regelwerke (YOUNITED, Code of Conduct, Supplier Code, Declaration of Principle on Human Rights) addressed to all employees of the Group which define a binding framework.
Observance of all applicable, statutory provisions and of our internal rules is a key prerequisite for the success of the Salzgitter Group. Compliance is part of our Group culture that we live and breathe.
The aim of the Compliance Management System in the Salzgitter Group is to prevent or reveal breaches of laws and internal directives and to respond to any such breaches appropriately and effectively. It is based on the three pillars PREVENT, DETECT and REACT.
Click here to find out more on the subject of compliance in the Salzgitter Group
The Salzgitter Group has set up the whistleblower system “FAIR TOGETHER” in order to learn of potential breaches of the law in connection with the economic activities of companies in the Salzgitter Group as well as of any human rights abuses along its supply chains and to counteract them.
All Group employees, business partners and all other stakeholders of the Salzgitter Group – whether at home or abroad – can contact the reporting offices of the Salzgitter Group to submit a report. “FAIR TOGETHER” offers an opportunity to draw attention to breaches of the law or to other circumstances as a result of which people, the environment, Salzgitter AG or one of its Group companies are harmed, unjustly disadvantaged or natural ways of life linked to the economic activities of the Salzgitter Group or one of its suppliers are unlawfully impaired.
Click here to find out more about the Salzgitter Group’s whistleblower system
Compliance training
The compliance training program provides our employees with knowledge of external standards and laws which are of special significance for Group companies and the Salzgitter Group due to their relevance to business activities and the level of sanctions to be feared in the event of breaches.
Reinforcing compliance expertise
The aim of our compliance training program is to put employees in a position to better recognize and thus avoid the danger of legal breaches in areas of the law of relevance to compliance.
SALCOS® - We turn steel green
With SALCOS®, we have joined forces with partners from industry and research to lay the foundations for virtually CO2-free steel production. Central elements of the concept are electricity from renewable sources and its use in the production of hydrogen by means of electrolysis. This green hydrogen will replace the coal we currently use in the conventional blast furnace process. This will be possible with the help of so-called direct reduction plants, in which iron ore is reduced to iron directly in the solid state by hydrogen. This technology emits water vapor instead of CO2.
Our SALCOS® program thus pursues the Carbon Direct Avoidance approach, which stands for avoiding the generation of CO2 in steel production from the outset. Overall, our approach enables us to reduce CO2 emissions in steel production by over 95 %.