Along with the performance of our employees, reliable social framework conditions, fair and trusting cooperation with partners, and an appreciative relationship with our natural environment are essential to the success of the Salzgitter Group.
For this reason, it is important to observe generally accepted basic values in our dealings with other people and companies, to comply with the law and to behave fairly towards people and nature. In short: We act responsibly at all times.
Our Mission Statement YOUNITED
In addition to the legal requirements for corporate governance and the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code, we have developed the mission statement "YOUNITED" for our Group. Among other things, employees from all Group companies and hierarchical levels have defined a common set of values. It includes values such as reliability, fairness and sustainability.
Acting responsibly
Our Executive Board has defined a set of clear principles of conduct for all employees of the Group in the form of a Code of Conduct. They provide guidance in our daily work, which is to be aligned to these principles. These include lawful conduct and ethical behavior, a commitment to fair and honest competition, the rejection of all forms of corruption as well as respect for internationally recognized human rights. It also serves to promote trusting cooperation and honest dealings among employees and with business partners.
Our Compliance Management System
The aim of the compliance management system at the Salzgitter Group is to prevent violations of laws and internal guidelines throughout the Group, as well as to uncover violations and respond to them appropriately and effectively. It is based on the three pillars of PREVENT, DETECT and REACT.
Salzgitter Group's whistleblower system
We have set up the whistleblower system FAIR TOGETHER in order to learn about and counteract violations of the law, human rights or environmental risks and any violations of human rights or environmental obligations in connection with the economic activities of the Salzgitter Group companies or along its supply chains.
Providing information
FAIR TOGETHER is publicly accessible. All Group employees, business partners and anyone else affected by the activities of the Salzgitter Group - whether in Germany or abroad - can contact the Salzgitter Group's reporting channels to submit information. FAIR TOGETHER offers the opportunity to point out violations of the law or other circumstances through which people, the environment, Salzgitter AG or one of its Group companies are harmed, unjustly disadvantaged or natural resources are unlawfully impaired in connection with the economic activities of the Salzgitter Group or one of its suppliers.
Reporting Channels
Reports can either be submitted via our electronic reporting portal or directed to our Compliance Hotline or our Ombudswoman.
Our electronic reporting portal can be used to submit reports in numerous languages. Our Compliance Hotline and our Ombudswoman accept reports in German or English. They are also available for a personal meeting upon request and after making an appointment.
Confidentiality and anonymity
All information is treated confidentially. The information they contain about persons and facts is only accessible internally to employees who need it to process the case.
Anonymous tips can be submitted via our electronic reporting portal. Our Ombudswoman does not disclose the identity of the whistleblower or other parties involved to the Salzgitter Group at the whistleblower's request.
Frequently, there are follow-up questions to the information received. We are grateful to whistleblowers who give us the opportunity to contact them. To this end, we kindly ask whistleblowers to provide us with their contact details. If anonymity is to be maintained, we ask that you use our electronic reporting portal or contact us via the ombudswoman.
No disadvantages for whistleblowers
No whistleblower who, at the time of reporting, had sufficient reason to believe that the information he or she reported was true need fear any disadvantages. The protection of Salzgitter Group employees who provide use information via our whistleblower system is specifically regulated in the Group's Corporate Compliance Guideline.
Reporting inaccurate information may unfairly expose affected individuals and companies to suspicion. Therefore, please handle the opportunity to provide information responsibly.
Clue processing
Every whistleblower who gives us the opportunity to contact him will receive confirmation of the receipt of his report within seven days. After three months at the latest, we inform the whistleblower about planned and already taken follow-up measures. The responsible Compliance Office examines the validity of each report and discusses it with the whistleblower. The underlying facts are clarified either by the Group Internal Audit department of Salzgitter AG or by the management of the Group company concerned, if necessary with the support of the responsible Compliance Office or the responsible legal department. Once the facts have been clarified, the management of the Group company concerned shall initiate the preventive, remedial or other improvement measures to be taken.
Privacy notice
For more detailed information on data protection and the processing of your personal data within the whistleblower system, please refer to our Whistleblower System – Data Privacy.
Electronic reporting portal of Salzgitter AG
Group Legal Department of Salzgitter AG
Via our electronic reporting portal, you can submit reports in 26 languages, anonymously if you wish, and 24 hours a day.
Electronic reporting portal
Salzgitter Group's Compliance Hotline
Group Legal Department of Salzgitter AG
+49 5341 21-9229
Postal address:
Salzgitter AG
Compliance-Hotline/10 RVC
Eisenhüttenstraße 99
38239 Salzgitter
Ombudswoman of Salzgitter AG
Nina Weigel-Grabenhorst
+49 531 310 7 3177
Postal address:
Ombudsfrau der Salzgitter AG
SQR Rechtsanwälte LLP
Wolfenbütteler Straße 45
38124 Braunschweig
External reporting offices
If you do not wish to address your information to a Salzgitter Group reporting office, you can also contact the reporting offices of the following authorities and institutions:
- Federal Office of Justice (BfJ) BfJ - Competence of the reporting offices
( - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) BaFin - Whistleblower Center
- Bundeskartellamt Bundeskartellamt - Notice of violations
- Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen (LKA Niedersachsen) Whistleblower system |
Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen
( - European Commission Problems and complaints (
- European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Reporting fraud - Homepage (
- European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Make a complaint (