ESG ratings are a key building block in the assessment of sustainable corporate governance. ESG rating agencies assess a large number of indicators relevant to the topics of environment, social and governance (ESG) and measure the respective risk situation.
In the following you will find a brief description and explanation of some selected ESG ratings and rankings.
ESG Score (2024):
EcoVadis analyzes the sustainability performance of companies in the four categories of environment, labor practices & human rights, fair business practices and sustainable procurement and issues the CSR ratings of suppliers for the sustainability assessment of global supply chains on its platform.
As part of its participation in the EcoVadis sustainability rating, Salzgitter AG achieved a score of 60/100 and was awarded a bronze medal. With these results, Salzgitter AG exceeds the industry average in all four assessment categories of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement and is therefore in the 72nd percentile.
ESG Score (2023):
CDP is a non-profit organization that encourages companies to measure and report their climate footprint publicly. The climate rating is based on standard questionnaires that companies fill out on an annual basis. Since 2016, Salzgitter AG has participated in the CDP reporting format every year.
In 2023, we were able to confirm our very good "A-" rating from the previous year. This means that we continue to be well above the global average ("B-") of the companies in the companies analyzed by CDP in the metalworking sector.
ESG Score (2024):
The MSCI ESG Rating measures a company's resilience to long-term, sector and industry-relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. A total of 8,500 companies worldwide are included in the evaluation.
In 2024, Salzgitter AG achieved a rating of A on a scale from AAA (best score) to CCC (worst score) according to the MSCI ESG rating review.
ESG Score (2023):
The Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating assesses the sustainability risk of companies in five levels on a scale from "negligible" to "severe".
As of August 2023, Salzgitter AG received an ESG risk rating of 36.5 from Morningstar Sustainalytics and was classified as "high risk". This rating places Salzgitter AG in the 88th percentile within the Global Universe categories defined by Sustainalytics and in the 35th percentile according to Steel Global.
ESG Score (2023):
The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) rates companies according to their performance according to 70 environmental, social and governance criteria. Salzgitter AG achieved a CSA rating of 34/100 as of February 16, 2024, placing it in the 82nd percentile of its sector (100 = leading).
ESG Score (2024):
The ISS ESG rating examines companies according to a multitude of environmental and social criteria. The areas comprising employees and suppliers, social responsibility and product responsibility, corporate governance, product sustainability, environmental management and eco-efficiency are evaluated.
On a scale from A (best grade) to D, Salzgitter AG 2024 was given a grade of C by ISS ESG. The so-called prime status begins with the classification (B-).