The Executive Board of Salzgitter AG
The Executive Board represents, heads up the company and manages the company’s business under its own responsibility in accordance with the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). It determines the strategic direction and the future development of the company together with the Supervisory Board. In carrying out these activities, the Executive Board is bound by the interests of the company. It strives to achieve the highest possible return on capital employed within the scope of the corporate purpose. The Supervisory Board has determined that certain business transactions may only be carried out with Supervisory Board approval.
The Management Board currently consists of four members - the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Human Resources Officer and the Chief Financial Officer. The Supervisory Board has assigned each Executive Board member a portfolio of responsibilities for specific organization units and has specified the decisions for which all Executive Board members are jointly responsible. The management of formerly five, but since April 1, 2022, four business units is the joint responsibility of all the members. A Group Management Board is at hand to assist them. Members of this board are the four Executive Board members and generally one manager from each of the four business units who coordinates the activities of his respective business unit (business unit manager).
The members of the Executive Board are liable to the company for any dereliction of duty. The company's D&O insurance provides for an appropriate deductible that accords with statutory requirements.
The following members are members of the Executive Board of SZAG and hold memberships in a) supervisory boards required by law and b) comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises.
Remuneration Report 2023 for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
(PDF, 854 KB)
Remuneration system 2024 for the Executive Board of Salzgitter AG
(only available in German | PDF, 120 KB)
Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors
(PDF, 72 KB)
Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2024 on the remuneration system for the Executive Board of Salzgitter AG
(only available in German | PDF, 120 KB)
Michael Kieckbusch, born in 1961, nationality german, studied economics in Hanover after completing his military service. He began his career as a Group trainee at Salzgitter AG in 1989.
From 1991 to 1994, Kieckbusch was in charge of personnel planning at Preussag Stahl AG, the nucleus of today's Salzgitter AG. After a year as head of the Personnel Controlling / Basic Strategy unit within the Central Personnel Department of the Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie VVaG (liability insurance for German industry), he was appointed Director of Human Resources of Preussag Stahl AG and as a representative of the German steel industry on the Social Committee of the European steel industry in 1995.
In 1998, Kieckbusch became Managing Director of PPS Personal-, Produktions- und Servicegesellschaft mbH, later SZST Salzgitter Service und Technik GmbH, a company that comprised key service functions for the Salzgitter Group. He was appointed a member of the Management Board and Industrial Relations Director of Salzgitter Stahl GmbH and to the equivalent positions at Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, Peiner Träger GmbH and Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH in 2001. Kieckbusch is a lecturer at the Technical University of Braunschweig and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Hans Böckler Foundation. In addition, he has been Chairman / Vice Chairman of the European Commission's Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on Steel since 2006.
Michael Kieckbusch has been a member of Salzgitter AG's Executive Board since 2013 and is responsible for Personnel.
Non-listed consolidated companies:
- KHS GmbH, Dortmund
- Mannesmann Precision Tubes GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr
- Peiner Träger GmbH, Peine
- Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, Salzgitter
- Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH, Düsseldorf
- Verkehrsbetriebe Peine-Salzgitter GmbH, Salzgitter (Chairman)
- Hansaport Hafenbetriebsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg (Supervisory Board, Chairman)
- Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH, Ilsenburg, and Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH,
Mülheim an der Ruhr (Joint Advisory Council)
Other non-listed companies:
- Allianz für die Region GmbH, Braunschweig (Supervisory Board)
- Projektgesellschaft Salzgitter-Watenstedt GmbH, Salzgitter (Supervisory Board, Vice Chairman)
- Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH Salzgitter, Salzgitter (Supervisory Board, Vice Chairman)