
Our program


Initiative Automotive


Quarterly statement
3 months 2024


Job Offers


Annual Report 2023 and
accompanying magazine



Employees perspectives

Personnel development

Enhancing competencies. Achieving goals. Our strategy in personnel development.

Photo of SZAG employees with link to personnel development

Staff reports

Embark on a journey of Salzgitter AG's working world.

Photo with link to staff reports

Career blog

Preview image

Hereingehört - Was macht ein IT-Projektleiter?

Markus Rottwinkel | 22. July 2024

Hereingehört in den Salzgitter-Konzern! Wir wollen Ihnen zukünftig einige Jobs aus dem Salzgitter-Konzern akustisch vorstellen. Dazu haben wir Interviews mit Kolleginnen und ...

Job vacancies

Projects & engagement

Our program SALCOS®

SALCOS® (Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) shows ways in which process-related CO2 emissions in steel production at the Salzgitter steelworks can be significantly reduced in future.

Initiative Automotive

Within the "Initiative Automotive" we are pooling our specialist skills and are working continuously on the further development of materials, processes and services. In close cooperation with our customers, innovative concepts and ideas for the automotive industry of tomorrow are created.

Salzgitter Mannesmann Renewables

With Salzgitter Mannesmann Renewables we are actively shaping the future of energy supply. We offer innovative and competitive steel solutions for our customers in the energy sector. Find out more about high-quality steel products and tailor-made system solutions.

History of the Salzgitter Group

Many traditional names from German industrial history are part of the Salzgitter Group. Read more about our eventful history. Temporarily only available in German.